Friday, December 4, 2009


Shanice at a few hours old...

Two days old...

The jie jie finally agreeing to take a picture with the little sis..

Allowing Shanice to lie on her lap

The first close up picture of the two together...

My favourite... she wanted to carry meimei though she din noe how to... but after we helped her, she was very happy

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Birth Story of Shanice

Luckily like the first birth, this was a short one, very much shorter, all in a matter of few hours.

The school had strategic planning on 18th, 19th and 20th nov, planning to rest these 3 days to get ready for the birth.

5pm - appointment to see gynae, checked my dilation and was very stressed whether to send me home or to the hospital as he felt i would give birth anytime. But i told him i felt no cramps, no contractions, no spotting, so he did not insist i go.

6pm - sent for CTG, confirmed his suspicion the birth would be really soon. The CTG showed that my contractions had already set in. Convinced gynae that i would call him once my cramps set in and he would not have to worry about instructing me how to give birth in the cab.

7.10pm - reached Lot 1 for my Sakae sushi, cramps set in, made up our mind to go to hospital after the meal.

8.50pm - reached hospital after sending Bernice to my mum's and picking up the bag from home.

9.00pm - went to labour ward to get ready

9.40pm - pain unbearable, sent to the delivery room

10.11pm - SHANICE was born

ok, will update the photos soon..

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bernice's version of ABC

... i know my ABC, next time wun you say i love you...?

Ok, the last part is from Barney's song, no idea why she decided to integrate the two.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Bernice's sister is going to arrive soon, (2cm dilated). I have been psychoing her to come out on Tuesday (17th nov), not because it is a good date, but because it is after my ma la lunch date. I hope i can tahan til then...

alright, i will update soon.

Down to 2 names:

Beatrice or Shanice ?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Haiyah, i am so tired...

This is what bernice has been saying every morning at 6.15am when we wake her up to get ready to go popo's house.

Not sure if she is really really tired, or i have been saying it so she picked it up.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

at 2 years 7 months...

I am simply not sure whether i have no patience for Bernice, or she is simply wearing my patience out... haha, sounds so negative hor, but this is when she is in her hyperhyper mood, which is like 90% of the time.

how bad?

the typical throw tantrum toddler, short of sitting on the floor of toysrus screaming for a toy. Then thats ok wat, you may say. Well, thats because i have not tried that yet, on my own. haha

She is only afraid of Daddy, not sure if it is good or bad. Other than him, no one else seems to be able to control her. sometimes i wonder if it is because of Daddy thats why she is so bad tempered, or because she is so bad tempered, thats why Daddy has to do this. hai.

The latest from her, when we dun give her what she wants, or we beat her on her palm or reprimand her. "I dun wan Mummy already." "I dun wan popo already" "I dun wan yiyi already."

ok, enough of my lamenting. hopefully, daddy, myself and bernice will all improve together.

The words on the shirt are my hope.


She calls this purse her wallet, and it reminds me of what she said recently, when she forgot to bring it home from popo house and we were taking the lrt to lot 1. She went, with her palm on her forehead, "hai yah, i forgot to bring my wallet."



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

i am back

I have been really really not been updating this blog. Too many things to do, assignments after assignments with less than 3 weeks in between the deadlines.

Weekdays are spent in school til 5,6pm, nights are spent with bernice til she sleeps at nine, and usually, i will sleep with her. Weekends are spent with saturdays out the whole day, sundays at my parents-in-law or spent doing assignments.

Not many pictures taken of bernice too as we seldom go out now.

Maternity leave is not going to happen anytime earlier than when i give birth, too many activities in school still going on, not that i am indispensable, but i still need to complete it.

Alright will post more pictures of bernice soon.

Talking about her, she is a big girl already, 2years7months.. can talk alot though not many can understand her.

The most classis will be," I wan go mummy school to see bishes..."

haha, i will reveal the answer soon...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jelita trip

Two weeks back, we went Jelita, its a small complex near Henry Park Primary. Daddy calls it the rich people supermarket. Coz there are many ang mohs there, many big cars there and they even have small trolleys for small children to push around.

We were in the cold storage with bernice in the big trolley, until she drooled when she saw another kid pushing the red baby trolley, so we decided to transfer our purchases into a red baby trolley for her to push around. She was having a super good time. Then she started putting what she wanted to buy inside without our permission. haha.



"Talking back"

Before i forget,

We went to ah ma's house yesterday, Bernice was playing with my soon-to-be sis in law. And, after that Bernice managed to get $2 worth of coins from her. At night, bernice got another few dollars of coins from ah ma again. So, she was pretty rich yesterday.

While we were going home in a taxi, alot of conversations took place between bernice and ah ma,

This is the only one i can remember enough to pen it down.

Me: Dear dear, next time you cannot take money from jie jie (soon-to-be sis in law) ok?
Her reply had me kow-towing to her and banging my head agst. the wall.
Bernice: i only take coin.

haha, i tried consoling myself that she is sincerely not talking back and the reasons i have come up with are
1) this is the limited vocab she has
2) she really thinks money is different from coin. money is notes, and coin is coin.
3) She can be a future banker, coin is really smaller in value than her version of money, and thus the word "only".

That's all i can think of.

Monday, July 6, 2009


In case you are feeling bored, let bernice entertain you for a while, though its less than 7 seconds, it took me at least 5, 6 takes and a whole day of coaxing before she would do it again.

Entertaining, cute, and i wun see this when she grows a little older and knows how to feel paisei.

Pardon her last action of rubbing her nose, she is having a running nose, and when we brought her to the polyclinic today, she had to wear a mickey mouse mask. Cant upload the photo here yet.