Sunday, October 25, 2009

at 2 years 7 months...

I am simply not sure whether i have no patience for Bernice, or she is simply wearing my patience out... haha, sounds so negative hor, but this is when she is in her hyperhyper mood, which is like 90% of the time.

how bad?

the typical throw tantrum toddler, short of sitting on the floor of toysrus screaming for a toy. Then thats ok wat, you may say. Well, thats because i have not tried that yet, on my own. haha

She is only afraid of Daddy, not sure if it is good or bad. Other than him, no one else seems to be able to control her. sometimes i wonder if it is because of Daddy thats why she is so bad tempered, or because she is so bad tempered, thats why Daddy has to do this. hai.

The latest from her, when we dun give her what she wants, or we beat her on her palm or reprimand her. "I dun wan Mummy already." "I dun wan popo already" "I dun wan yiyi already."

ok, enough of my lamenting. hopefully, daddy, myself and bernice will all improve together.

The words on the shirt are my hope.


She calls this purse her wallet, and it reminds me of what she said recently, when she forgot to bring it home from popo house and we were taking the lrt to lot 1. She went, with her palm on her forehead, "hai yah, i forgot to bring my wallet."



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