Wednesday, October 14, 2009

i am back

I have been really really not been updating this blog. Too many things to do, assignments after assignments with less than 3 weeks in between the deadlines.

Weekdays are spent in school til 5,6pm, nights are spent with bernice til she sleeps at nine, and usually, i will sleep with her. Weekends are spent with saturdays out the whole day, sundays at my parents-in-law or spent doing assignments.

Not many pictures taken of bernice too as we seldom go out now.

Maternity leave is not going to happen anytime earlier than when i give birth, too many activities in school still going on, not that i am indispensable, but i still need to complete it.

Alright will post more pictures of bernice soon.

Talking about her, she is a big girl already, 2years7months.. can talk alot though not many can understand her.

The most classis will be," I wan go mummy school to see bishes..."

haha, i will reveal the answer soon...

0 candies: