Monday, February 23, 2009

Bird day cake

Think kids at this age also have an obsession with birthday cakes and birthday song and candles. We celebrated her lunar birthday a month or so back.

Her 'English' birthday is coming. And, i have been thinking of getting her an Elmo cake.

At home, there is this cupboard where there is an extra candle from last year placed there. So, when she open it, she will take it and say,"bird day" "cake" and clap her hands. I would just test her and ask her, "you want an Elmo cake?" she would nod her head and add"big bird". I would say, no big bird, just elmo, can? And, she would smile and nod her head.

She rememebered it and the next day i asked her to close the candle cupboard, she remembered and reminded me "happy bird day" "Elmo cake", "big bird".

I must remember to order her that cake. And, i just paid for it. YEAH.

0 candies: