Friday, June 6, 2008

Half gone

yup, almost half of the holidays is gone. Somehow, during the holidays, i always have this lost feeling. When i am busy with school stuff, i will complain,"who says teachers have holidays?" And if i happen to be free for 3 consecutive days, i will start to be a little guilty and ask myself,"eh, why am i so free? have i missed any important dates for any meetings or what not?" Anyway, time is going to pass super fast from next week. I will be going for a camp at Camp Christine from tomorrow til Sunday. Then I will have to prepare for my work review, mark mock papers, clear some work on Monday. Thursday is my work review. Ok, i shall muster my courage and ask about promotion stuff. haha. Doubt i will have the courage to ask anyway. Shall talk more about that after i go for my work review. Then I will be going away to Malaysia on Sunday til Tuesday. Thursday and Friday are meeting days. Saturday is GG walkaton and LL's wedding. Aaaah.... Then Monday will be school again.

Talking about going for camps and overseas trips, the only problem i have is when Daddy tells me, "i will take care of Bernice overnight." Aaah... He just thinks it seems so easy. Not that i doubt him, but he has never done it alone. I am always there to do everything. Patting her to sleep, bathing her, packing the things to bring out. All these he seldom do. Anyway, i shall just let him try. Let him know the challenge.

0 candies: