Sunday, May 11, 2008

Da da

alright, i have lost officially. She can call dada to the right person at the right time. And her mama is random and depends on her mood.

She can call dada when daddy talks to her on the phone.

In the morning when she wakes up before us, she will crawl into our room, sit on the floor looking at us and call "da da".

So much for being a mum. Haha

Alright, photos will be up soon. Once i finish marking and finish keying the marks. Blogging an entry is never easy for a lazy person like me. So many steps to it
1) take out camera
2) upload photos to either or photo impression
3) save the collage as jpeg format
4) upload the photo to photobucket
5) login to blogspot and type a post and paste the url of the collage
6) publish the post and edit if needed

haha, see, so many steps.

More excuses for me to be even lazier to post from the next month onwards. I will be doing a master's course, over a period of three years. But i will still do my best to update.

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