Friday, April 4, 2008

Old friendship

Reading the email from "myedumail" has never been a joy. The emails from there inform me of the following:
1) there will be a meeting on....
2) the deadline for setting MYE or EOY exam is ....
3) there are tasks waiting for me
neither of which is really pleasant.

However when i checked my mail today, i received a surprise email, it reads as follows:

Just want to check whether you are Weiqi from SAJC? If so, could you reply thro this email? been trying to contact you for an invitation and this seems to be my only hope. =)


Joanne "

I was surprised and touched when i saw this email. She was a close friend when i was in JC. Being a new student there, (she was there since the first three months before the official release of the O level results, i was at another JC then), she introduced me into her group of friends and i was in their group soon after. As she stayed near me, we went to school and come home together everyday. Our group of friends was a big group, there were altogether ten of us. We were very playful then, everyday after school, we will hang around at Queesway Shopping centre Macdonalds, World Trade Centre, or Takashimaya. And we will not go back til 10 plus 11. We often had our own gatherings, and we always gathered for BBQs, chalets or steamboat at Joanne's house. Birthday celebrations was never a happy occasion as the rest of us would brainstorm how to sabo the birthday gal. We had a wonderful time with our big group of friends.

However, soon after A levels, I was posted to a different faculty and university from the rest of them. We had a gathering once and soon after we lost contact. So, it was truly a pleasant surprise receiving the particular email today. And, if i am invited, i am truly looking forward to this JC reunion.

1 candies:

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