Saturday, March 21, 2009

Misuse of Sorry

Teaching Bernice 'sorry' has come a long way...

Initially, she refused to repeat after me when i taught her.

After that, she was more willing to repeat, after we told her what she has done wrong and asked her to apologize.

Today, she was throwing her toys about. As usual, i went to her, looked at her with my sternest face possible, and told her why she should not be doing that, and as usual, asked her to apologise to whoever her toy was near to hitting. She faithfully did as i told her.

Not more than five minutes later, she was repeating her throwing act. Immediately after that, she looked at me, smiled and said sorry. This got everyone laughing, and got her gleeful with the attention she was getting. After a while, she did that for another time, threw something and said sorry, without thinking.

Definitely, saying sorry does not mean she meant it.

Parenting certainly is not easy.


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