Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bernice and Nimbus

Bernice just loves dogs.

And, so when i was invited to Auntie Charlene's house, i was quite excited that bernice can have a good time with the dog. Nimbus was a very fast dog, and she was so excited to get close to Bernice, so half the time, bernice was trying to get away from Nimbus face to face contact. Nevertheless, bernice still wanted to touch and play with Nimbus.

Trying to convince her that Nimbus will not jump on her again.

2 candies:

Anonymous said...

pls lor, my nimbus very friendly okie...she trying to kiss her only mah, bad breathe though haha

and hor, im still jie jie okay!

Anonymous said...

haha, i din say she not friendly lah, heehee.

jie jie ah, i younger than you by 7months so auntie lor, haha