Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bernice's letter

To all the aunties, jie jies and gor gor who sent your well wishes to me either through smses or tagging,

thank you very much. Both my mummy and i were very touched to receive the words of concern when we were at the hospital. I was discharged two days ago on Tuesday. So, officially I have been there from the 4th Dec to the 9th Dec.

Initially i vomitted, but when i reached the hospital. My vomitting stopped, but my diarrhoea came. And, i had no appetite to eat or drink. Due to this, i had to be put on drip. It was SUPER DUPER painful.

Finally, i decided to eat something after fasting for 4 days, and i slowly recovered and was allowed to go back.


(That's me on the super duper painful drip, on the second day. Mummy says i have "lost a circle" due to my several days of fasting, she will post my photos soon)


2 candies:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Baby Bernice, your mummy and daddy must have been so heartbroken when you were at the hospital. When i was a baby, the same thing happened to me for 2 days and mummy almost died crying. I hope you regain the weight you lost soon! *Blows doggy kisses* -Fluffie-

Bernice said...

thanks fluffie, my mummy did not see this comment til today. so blur. hope to see you soon. bernice