Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I came back two days ago from my ODAC trip with neighbor no. 2. Enjoyable, exciting, new experience. Relaxing for me though it was supposed to be quite tiring, 8 hours of traveling to Perak, plus strenuous activities there.

I used to detest long trips, nothing to do on the bus, ultimately boring. However, this time, i enjoyed all the periods of time i had to do nothing, to stare blankly into the sky, to read a book which i could never ever finish even after 6 weeks. Simply loved the feeling of doing nothing. No need to rush home to do housework, no home commitments to fulfill. Sounds irresponsible hor?

But, but, but, i definitely miss Bernice lots.

Oh, yah, Daddy also loved this period of time that i am not around. Finally, he can have his sole bonding time with Bernice. One great thing he managed to do was that he managed to bring her to watch RSAF open house by public transport. He is the only one who is able to do this without much fussing by Bernice.

More about RSAF open house in the next post.

And more about my ODAC trip in the next next post.

Rushing more assignments ..... again. Why do they never end?

0 candies: