Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Day as a real student


My first day as a student started yesterday.
This was the day .....
1) i had to sit at a desk and listen to my lecturer.
2) instead of me walking around and giving out worksheets, i had to sit down there and receive the worksheets.
3) i sat down there and listen to my lecturer telling me how he is going to grade us instead of me telling the students how i am going to grade them.
4) i had to shut up in class instead of asking students to keep quiet and listen to me
5) i had to wait while my lecturer says," give me another 5 minutes to finish this last part", instead of me telling the students," give me another 5 minutes to finish this"
6) Finally, and worst of all, i had to listen to this," these are the 6 readings i printed for you today. Go and read them. We will discuss them the next tutorial."

hmmm, sir, besides the 6 readings, i still got a textbook to read to prepare for an exam on teacher's day eve, an assignment which requires me to read at least 3 journals.... AHHHH

But, based on experience, i think my lecturer will tell me this," you must learn how to manage your time well." Now, i must brainstorm all the lame excuses my students always tell me that i can tell my lecturer....... haha

At least, Daddy was in front of me, so i had someone to disturb to release a little stress from me

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