Monday, March 3, 2008


Can't remember if this is the first time i am doing a tag, but here goes...

5 things found in your bag:
1) a non-LV wallet :-)
2) my keys (with a cute HK policeman keychain given by Shamkahlo)
3) a new nokia handphone which looks exactly like the one i lost 3 months ago
4) planner with Bernice's collage which i spent 3 hours doing (after which 2 experts told me they require a fraction of the time i needed) :-)
5) depending on what is the craze: at one time it was the sudoku book, now its the Rubik's cube!!

5 favourite things in your room (includes the adjoining study):
- hmm, this is tough, my room only got bed and wardrobe
so its
1) bed
2) wardrobe

5 things you have always wanted to do:
1) To be in the police force or the navy, but i can never run my 2.4km, so i can only run after students for homework now.. haha
2) know how to ride and own a bike, i mean motor bike, not mountain bike
3) to have the time to read
4) know the techie handphone gadgets out there
5) to just sit down and do nothing,

5 things you currently into:
1) marking and marking and marking
2) taking care of bernice and watching her grow
3) reading other people's blogs
4) thinking who will be with me in the school forever... haha
5) Solving the Rubik's cube

5 people i want to tag
not many people know of the blog, so whoever my readers are, you are tagged, and drop me a line in my tag board, so i can visit more blogs...

0 candies: